Friday, April 15, 2011
Challenge Accepted!
I did it again
I said “yes” before getting all the info
I am doing the San Diego Fiji Water Scavenger Hunt! It sounds awesome, intriguing and scary all at the same time! For three hours my friend and I will be running around San Diego, participating in all sorts of crazy challenges all over the city!
What in the world will I be doing? No Idea
But here is how it worked in Chicago:
Up to 50 teams of two persons each will comb historic downtown Chicago looking for clues. (substitute in San Diego)
Each team will give themselves a team name and team profile. (we are the Comic Conzees – follow us on Twitter!)
Teams will be kayaking for a specific segment of their clue list! (No Kayaking in this event, thank goodness)
Teams will earn extra points for using social media in entertaining and creative ways.
Other than this brief bit of information, we are left to discover as the hunt unfolds!
So follow us on Twitter @sdtheaternews and @sdatlarge and wait for the crazy to begin….
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Deep in the heart of Texas
You all remember Julie from the highly entertaining guest post on this blog titled Who knew that a job hunt would be so… entertaining??
Well, she has gone on another adventure this time to the great state of Texas and she has put pen to paper to tell us about the first few days of her journey.
Do you think she’ll find the bicycle in the basement of the Alamo while she’s there?
You are now entering Texas….
I decided to take a road trip to see family and friends all throughout the US. I packed my suit case, bought a cooler, grabbed my dog and headed out for my first stop Texas… Here are a few ways you know you are either entering or IN the most “interesting” RED state of them all:
1. I passed a giant billboard saying “Miss Me Yet?” next to it is a picture of George W. Bush. (No Comment).
4. I passed by a car on the side of the freeway today, pulled over by highway patrol lights flashing and all. At first I thought it was because of their bumper sticker but several minutes later the car speed past me in the passing lane. Ohh yeah the bumper sticker it said “I heart CATS”. (No Comment).
Monday, April 4, 2011
There's a dinosaur in my backyard!
1) Did not happen to me
2) Is in no way shape or form my fault!
This morning a friend of mine was getting ready for work when she heard her dog in the yard barking frantically. Concerned she ran out to her yard to find this:

You may not be able to tell from the photo, but this is not just a turtle, it is a tortoise! She is much larger than she may look. And if she looks big to us just imagine how big she looks to a small dog! It like the yard has been invaded by a dinosaur!
Turns out the tortoise was dropped off by my friends brother, in the middle of the night (as all tortoises should be moved- they’re like ninjas and want to have the cover of darkness) and without him bothering to let anyone know that the ninja tortoise was there.
When asked about the tortoise her brother told her that since he didn’t have a yard, he figured the tortoise will stay with her. I love everything about this logic – as long as I am not the one receiving a delivery of a giant tortoise in the middle of the night.
Tortoise’s live up to 100+ years and can get very very large. They need a special balanced diet t o make sure that they are healthy and eat a variety of grasses that my friend now has to find in order to feed it. This isn’t like giving someone a goldfish (under the cover of darkness), which would be fairly manageable. This tortoise likes to dig, and eat the plants in the yard and scares their dogs, and did I mention that it will get HUGE?

Awesome pet idea
So my friend called her husband to tell him expecting him to be just as confused and incredulous as she was about this. His response?
“Cool! Let’s name her Dusty!”
So everyone welcome Dusty to the family, apparently she has found a home!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Do..Not...Kill...Cab Driver...
Today I wandered about San Francisco by myself and managed to see Chinatown, ride a cable car, get to Fisherman’s Wharf and take a street car back to the hotel, all without incident. Who knew that the journey that got me lost, would be the fault of a cab driver?
As a cab driver he is paid to take people where they are going and know the city. In case he doesn’t know the city, the cab company has conveniently given him a GPS device to help him find his way about. Apparently, Bibliophile Girl and I got the only driver who had know idea how to do either of these things.
We hopped in the cab and told him where to take us “Curran Theatre please, it’s at 445 Geary St.”
It was 7:40pm so we added, “ We have to be there for an 8pm show".
So we pull out onto the road and off we go…..and we go…..and we go
Where the F**k are we?
Bibliophile Girl and I look round and realize that we haven’t got the slightest idea where we are. Note to cab drivers, when I know you’re going the wrong way and we’re in a city that I haven’t been in for years, you are goddamn lost.
So I ask,” Are we close by?”
“Yes” he says confidently, “we are a few blocks away”.
We go through a tunnel and finally we say, “This is not where we are supposed to be”.
“No, No, we are almost there”, he assures us
Two blocks later he pulls over an the middle of the block with an abandoned building, in the middle of god damn nowhere!
“Yeah, where is the theatre?”, I asked him incredulously,” You know, the one we need at be at in 3 minutes?”
He looks at us through the rearview mirror,” This is where you told me to go, Geary St and 8th”.
“No, what we said was we are going to the Curran Theatre, at 445 Geary for an 8pm show”, I said through gritted teeth,” A show which we are now late for. Get us there now!”
He bitches and moans but he eventually got us there 20 minutes late! I wanted to kill him.
But knowing that theatre always starts 10 minutes late I was torn between getting out of the cab and running to the show or sitting in his cab and bitching at his dispatcher until everything was on the house.
The driver had the nerve to stop the meter and turn around and tell me the full fare.
“You expect me to pay you full fare when you took us 45 blocks out of the way?!?”
“It’s not my fault”, he said,” That’s what it costs”.
Now, I try very hard to be nice to people. Being in a service industry I understand how hard it is to be nice to people all the time, when a majority of them are assholes. But I could not believe this guy had the audacity to tell me this with a straight face.
Bibliophile Girl hands him two twenties to get things going and when he made no move to get her change (a $15 tip would be excessive for even a good driver, don’t you think?) So I grabbed the extra twenty out of his hand and said,” No, there is no way you are getting that” and handed him the $6.
He turns around and says,” No, its fine”
Fine? What about this has been fine?
So I take the money and instead of handing it to him I threw it at him and watched as the bills floated into the crevices between his seats. Have fun getting them out buddy.
Show ends (it was awesome) and we hesitantly grab another cab to get back to the hotel. Less than 3 minutes and $5 later we are at the hotel.
New plan, when in San Francisco...walk
Stalking is the sincerest form of flattery….right?
The discussion was interesting and the actor was a really good host and an engaging speaker (which one cannot always say about actors, sometimes they just sit there and do….nothing)
As the discussion ended I went up to approach this actor and see if I could speak with him about his process of choosing roles and I got in the line of people who wanted to speak to him. People got in line behind me and so on. As I got closer to speaking with him the guy behind me started talking to me.
“Are you a fan of the show?”, he asked.
I was so tempted to ask him why I would be at this panel otherwise, but decided that was a bad plan and just said, “yes”.
His causes him to launch into a monologue on the show, its origins, what he liked, disliked, etc… about the show. I politely nodded as he spoke and kept my eye out on the front of the line. As I got to the actor in question the guy behind me asked if I could take his picture with the actor. I said sure and took his camera.
I got the chance to speak with the actor and he told me to come down and see him at his booth and I could ask him more questions there. I said great and then the guy behind me stepped in to take his picture. I took the picture and then handed the camera back to the guy and walked off.
All of a sudden from behind me I hear “ My hair was kind of messy in that picture with him”.
Startled I turned around and see the guy from the line. Not knowing how to respond I just smiled and kept walking. He followed,” Hey, since you’re going to see him again can I get my picture with him again?”
“I’m not sure”, I said, “He said he was going to be on the floor, he may charge for pictures there”.
Undeterred the guy says, “Well, I’ll follow you and we’ll see”.
“I’m sorry, but I am meeting friends here before I go to the floor,” I said, “But good luck”. And turned a corner and started walking a bit faster towards the floor and amongst the tables.
As I walked the floor, a bit lost, I kept consulting my map about where I should go. I wandered for about a half hour when I hear a voice ask,” Where are your friends?”
I turned around and there was the guy from the line. “Um, hi” I said trying not to be too concerned that in this entire giant people filled floor, he found me,” I am looking for them right now”.
“I can help you find them”.
“No, thanks. But I appreciate the offer”, I put my map away and then said,” bye!” and scurried off, darting between tables, in and out of rows and am literally crisscrossing my way across the floor. The whole time this guy was right behind me, chattering away inanely about his name, the origin of his name, his favorite characters, his theories on politics, comics, sci-fi and travel. He told me that he thought I should visit northern California more and that he lives up here. After about 20 minutes of trying to get rid of him and failing.
At this point I stop and say,” I wish I could visit more, but my husband doesn’t like me to travel alone in case I meet some strange stalker type people”. I make a point to adjust my bags strap on my shoulder while flashing my wedding ring and wait for him to leave.
No dice
“That’s a good idea, there are a lot of strange people around here. I’ll be happy to accompany you all weekend, just in case.”
“No thanks, I’m here with friends…of my husbands…who I’m here with. So …thanks”, I say.
At this point I have literally spent an hour trying to lose this guy! He keeps popping up. Every time I thought I lost him, there he was!
Finally I was able to get ahold of my friends and duck into the panel they were in, just to get a break. Near the end of that panel I cautiously snuck out the door, looking around for any familiar yet overly friendly faces.
Whew, not there.
I go upstairs, I go into another panel, I sit down and wait for it to start. A moment later I hear “I’m so glad I found you!” from over my shoulder. I almost jumped out of my skin.
Slowly I turn around…and there is this guy.
So I did what everyone would do in this situation, I went to the women’s restroom and waited an inordinately long time before coming out. Luckily I didn’t see him for the rest of the day.
2 more days to go….hopefully they won’t all be spent in the restroom