
Thursday, December 30, 2010

I have problem.....

Much like how this blog got started, I seem to have a problem saying "no". This happens to me a lot.

For instance when challenged to write a blog about the dumb things I do and that happen to me, instead of saying "no" as I should have, I now have a blog.

Instead of saying "no" to getting talked into going to a funeral for someone so I could sing in their sted, I went and sang.

So today you find me signing up for the "Graphic Novel Reading Challenge" - solely because someone said it might be a good idea.

So this challenge is to start reading and reviewing graphic novels, something that I have not had much experience with before. When I asked what level I should do I was told "Expert".

So, occasionally if you see something linking to a random graphic novel know that it is indeed connected to this blog. And my inability to say one simple word......

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It all adds up....

While watching tv a commercial came on and it promised this:

First item is 40% off
Second item is 50% off
Third item is 60% off

I turn to Gary and jokingly said,” That’s 150% off!”

Gary replied, “Sure. On a related note? That’s why you can’t teach our kids math”

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This scares me

So I had to go to the Post Office on December 7th and I had to get in line to mail something out. In front of me were two people that were in front of me. Being nosy this is the conversation I overheard:

“Did you see the flag?” said one guy in jeans and a sweatshirt.

“No, is something up with the flag?”, the other guy asked as he played on his phone.

“Yeah, it’s at half mast and I have no idea why”, the guy said with a bit of frustration in his voice.

“Really? Someone important must have died. I wonder who it was”, the other guy replied.

“I didn’t hear anything about someone dying”the first guy said,” You think it was a celebrity?”

“Dude, I’ll just look it up on my phone”, the second guy said as he scrolled on his phone.

A few minutes of looking later the guys seemed stumped. The both agreed that it must have been some celebrity that died and were speculating on who it could be when I could stand it no longer.

“It’s Pearl Harbor Day! That’s why the flag is at half mast”, I said to them.

They both turned to me with puzzled looks on their faces.

“Pearl Harbor has a day?” one guy said

“But it’s in Hawaii”, the phone guy added.

“Yes, it is in Hawaii and it has a day. Today is Pearl Harbor day and therefore the flags at half mast in honor of those who died today 69 years ago”, I said trying to figure out how this very simple explanation could possibly be so confusing to them.

“Maybe in Hawaii it is” one guy scoffed and then turned to walk to the postal worker teller that had just become available. As they walked away I could hear them still pondering the flags status.

I am very concerned about the education in America……

Wardrobe Malfunction

I have a satin blouse that I love, but I never wear it. So when I picked it out of the closet today I thought “Why don’t I wear this more?” and put it on. It wasn’t until I got far enough away from the house to not be able to go back and change that I remembered, this blouse likes to pop open and I never seem to notice when it does.

So here is a list of places or people that saw my boobs over the last day:

The bagel shops employees and patrons (it was full of people)
The board (5 men) at one of my client buildings, my boss and the building manager
The front desk at another building and all residents in the lobby
The front desk at another building and the security and residents in the lobby
At a different buildings holiday party full of residents
Smart and Final
The Post Office
Target in the women’s department, in the book section and at the checkout stand (I bought a sweater to wear over the shirt)

Sadly, since I never can tell when the blouse pops open I end up flashing the world for an indeterminate amount of time.

Odds are I’m going to forget it does this and a wear it out again sometime….